신체 언어는 언어 못지않게 아주 중요한 의사소통수단이다.

발표자는 자신의 신체 언어에 대해 인식할 때도 있지만 대부분 자신이 어떤 얼굴표정이나 제스처를 하고 있는지 또, 자신의 신체 언어가 청중에게 어떻게 비추어질지 알지 못한 채 사용하는 경우가 많다.

A. Eye Contact

Eye contact plays an essential role in keeping your liste-ner"s interest.

By moving your eyes from person to person, you can give your listeners the feeling that you are talking to them as individuals.

You can also see whether or not people are following your message by watching their faces.

Be careful not to focus all your attention on only one person or on only a few people.

You need to involve the whole audience.

Also, never read your speech without looking at the audience.

If you do, the audience will soon lose interest in you.

B. Posture

The way you hold your body conveys a message.

Standing straight with a relaxed posture can express confidence.

Never slouch or put your hands in your pockets while giving your presentation.

C. Hand or Arm Gestures

Using hand gestures can be effective if you feel natural and comfortable using them.

You may use gestures to emphasize a point or to describe something.

However, your hand gestures should never distract your audience from the message.

Avoid playing with your hair, playing with pens or pencils, or jingling money in your pocket.

D. Movement

This also has an effect on your listeners.

You may take a few steps one way or the other but avoid pacing back and forth or swaying side to side.

Also avoid standing rigidly in one place for the whole lecture.

E. Volume

The loudness or softness of your voice is also important.

Your voice should be loud and strong so everyone can hear and understand.

If you speak so softly the audience can not hear you, they will soon lose interest in your lecture.

Also, by raising or lowering your voice, you can emphasize certain points in your talk.

F. Speed of delivery

The rate at which you speak also influences your audience.

By speeding up your rate of speech, it signals the audience that you are excited about the information.

Slowing down or pausing can be used to emphasize a certain point in your lecture.

Speaking louder and slower on certain words will add emphasis to them.

Never talk in a monotone voice.

Audience members will soon get bored listening to you speak and will be more likely to fall asleep or just to start thinking about other things instead of listening to your presentation.

-Lisa Boshart 고대 국제어학원 객원 전임강사-
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